Vanish: now causes the player to vanish on cast in addition to its normal functionality.Added a 0.8 second cooldown between Arc Blade swings while airborne.

Damage increased by 30% against AI combatants.Hit detection test range increased by 0.5 meters.Changed to be less about repeatedly swinging and more about decisive strikes with additional effectiveness:.Blink: now incurs a -1 recovery penalty.Skip Grenade: detonation damage reduced by 13%.Skip Grenade: tracking time reduced to 8 seconds from 12.Circle of Life: +1 armor removed Passives Scavenger: increased the amount of grenade and melee energy awarded by 33% Chain of Woe: +1 recovery added Over the Horizon: +1 recovery removed.Circle of Life: no longer extends the duration of golden gun.Circle of Life: modified functionality: precision kills with Throwing Knife reduce the cooldown of Golden Gun.